a couple of men standing next to each other.

Large increase in the number of new jobs last year

According to recent figures from Statistics Norway, there were over 195,000 new jobs in Norway from the second quarter of 2021 compared to the same period in 2022.

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195,000 new jobs last year - 7 % increase

According to recent figures from Statistics Norway, there were over 195,000 new jobs in Norway from the second quarter of 2021 compared to the same period in 2022. Increased employment has resulted in record low unemployment and strong competition for labour.

a woman standing on top of a bed in a bedroom.

The service industry

More young people in work - especially in the accommodation and catering industry
The largest increase in the number of new jobs is accounted for by younger workers under the age of 25. Here the increase has been as much as 17 % against 7 % for the population under one.

In the age group under 25, there have been 62,600 new jobs, which account for 32 % of the growth in the number of new jobs.
Broken down by industry, jobs in accommodation and catering accounted for 37 % of the new jobs for young workers under the age of 25.

New hires

The last year resulted in approximately 900,000 new hires among all wage earners, which is the highest number since the statistics began in 2016. In the same period, approximately 700,000 employment relationships were terminated.

Foreign commuters on their way back

In the last quarter, the number of foreign commuters increased for the first time since the pandemic began. The increase over the past year is approximately 40 per cent. The number is still somewhat lower than before the pandemic. Growth is particularly high in construction and the catering industry.



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