a person holding a cell phone in front of a laptop.

Added value with digital investment

Over a period of two years, Veksthuset Personal has worked purposefully to build our digital strategy, which has provided added value for us as a company and our customers.

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Effective digital tools

We wanted better control and management on our platforms, which were largely supported by joint solutions for the industry and large players who, to a small extent, gave us the insight, distribution and creativity we wanted. 

In order to have better communication with both customers, and in particular candidates in the labor market, we had to make changes. The most important thing of all to be able to communicate well with our target groups is to bring the traffic and communication to us, i.e. our own websites on which you are reading this matter. 

Here we would be able to measure traffic, demographics and usage patterns. To once again be able to design a good contact, and a streamlined process for potential employees.

Modern advertising

In an employee's market, we had to look beyond the usual channels where positions are listed. We had to talk to the workers where they are with an effective medium. In social media such as Facebook, Instagram and, not least, LinkedIn, we were able to reach more people faster through film, text, sound and images - not only jobseekers but also those who might be looking for a new job. 

a cell phone with a man on the screen.
For job seekers, it is important that the website is mobile friendly.

Comprehensive process

Development of new websites that could handle communication between several systems, which we will not go into, was an extensive process. We worked closely with an external digital agency that understood the needs and challenges to be solved. The aim was a shorter path for the candidate via our advisers, who have been recruited to our clients.

Møte i veksthuset

Built on our strength

Skilled advisers with good networks and high competence are the backbone of Veksthuset Personal. With the help of new, effective communication tools, we strengthened and simplified the work with the recruitment process.

We wanted to describe to a greater extent, and not least sell good positions. We had to do this in channels where candidates and customers travel on a daily basis.

Film proved effective for social media advertising in combination with our new websites. We also relied here on our external digital agency with extensive experience from the production and distribution of film advertisements. This resulted in us hitting a few hundred people to many thousands.

The advertisements were supposed to arouse the recipients' interest in the dream job they otherwise knew did not exist. See ads here

Employer branding

- Video advertising has given us the opportunity to give customers added value in terms of employer branding.

Employer branding is about communicating what makes a company an attractive workplace, which is an important part of the recruitment work to attract new employees, but which also has value in terms of existing employees.

Communicating the positive aspects of your company is all the more important in a tight labor market, in order to stand out.

- Sigmund Høye

Example video advertisement

Example of a typical ad with high production value.

Advertising method and insight

We now create advertisements with differentiated production value depending on the positions to be filled. We do this through a tailor-made system, where we can monitor interest, traffic and action patterns. This way we get the insight we need to effectively find the right candidates for our customers.

two cell phones with a website on the screen.

Continuous development

Our reliance on digital tools in communication with candidates for positions and our customers is an ongoing process in constant development and an important part of our value chain.

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