Privacy statement

This privacy statement tells you how Veksthuset Personal collects and processes personal information.


Privacy statement

This privacy statement tells you how Veksthuset Personal collects and processes personal information.

Veksthuset Personal, by the general manager, is responsible for processing the company's processing of personal data. The declaration contains information you are entitled to when information is collected from our website (Personal Data Act § 19) and general information about how we process personal data (Personal Data Act § 18 1st paragraph).


Online processing of personal information on

Veksthuset Personal collects information about visitors to The purpose is to compile statistics to improve and further develop the website. These statistics can, for example, provide answers to how many people visit different pages, how long the visit lasts, where the users come from and which devices are used. We use Google Analytics ( to analyze the information. Information from this tool is not shared with other actors.

Since IP addresses can be traced back to a specific hardware and thus an individual, this is defined as personal information. Veksthuset Personal deidentifies the information in Google Analytics before the information is stored and processed. By deidentified is meant that the information we collect cannot be traced back to the individual user.

The information collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google's servers in the United States. This information is subject to Google's Privacy Policy. (

Submission of form

When you contact us via the form on the website, we ask you to provide your e-mail, name, telephone number and what we can help you with. This information will not be used for any purpose other than to handle the inquiry. The submitter of the form will be able to receive a confirmation by e-mail that the submission has been received. Information is stored securely and encrypted in our WordPress database. Information from the submitted form is shared not with our partners or others outside our organization.



Cookies are small text files that the website stores in the user's browser, in order to register the user's IP address and movements on the web. We use cookies for improvement and marketing purposes, this data can not be linked to the user.

You decide whether you want to allow the storage of cookies. The majority of browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. If you do not want such information to be stored in your browser, go to the settings of the current browser and disable the functionality.

Keep in mind that saying no to cookies can lead to some websites not working optimally.

How to manage cookies (


The following cookies are used on




Expiration date


Used in connection with the website's WordPress theme. The cookie allows the owner of the website to implement or change the content of the website in real time.

When the browser closes




Used by Google Tagmanager to track website traffic in Google Analytics

When the browser closes

tr + fr


Used for marketing

3 months



Fits the user's preferences are correct. Used for marketing

6 months


Used by Google Analytics to track website traffic

2 years



Used by Google Analytics to track website traffic

24 hours



Used by Google Analytics to track website traffic

24 hours



Used for marketing

3 months

We may change our privacy statements and cookies from time to time. This is to meet changes in framework conditions, commercial needs, or to satisfy the needs of our customers, marketing partners and service providers. Updated versions will be published on our website and the date of the change will be displayed, so you are aware of when the last update took place.



The Personal Data Act gives you the right to ask us questions about what kind of information we have stored about you, the source of this information, and how this information has been used. Such a request must be in writing and addressed to the address below.

You can also withdraw your consent to us processing your information at any time. If you wish to update your information, change communication preferences, withdraw your consent or if you do not wish to receive marketing from us in the future, please send a written request to: