a woman sitting at a desk with her hand on her chin.

Many are doing well

We are in the middle of a crisis where many are struggling, but there are bright spots, there are companies that are doing well.

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We constantly hear about a labor market that is dominated by despair over layoffs, dismissals and a ghost of bankruptcy that hangs over several industries. In addition, questions are being asked about what the future and the labor market will look like in the future.

What will a working day be like after the virus has left the roof and the vaccinations have been carried out? What will a leadership look like; as before or will the changes introduced in connection with the pandemic with continued distance management and team meetings continue?

What will happen to the sports arenas where we like to spend time experiencing excitement and cheering on "our" team?

Highlights in working life

In the midst of all the questions we have about the future and the uncertainty the pandemic has given us, there are also bright spots. Bright spots also in working life.

Read more about the Greenhouse here

There are industries and companies that go so fast! Some experience "all time high" both financially and see opportunities to have to hire more to keep up with market demand.

To meet demand, many see a need to increase their staffing either temporarily or in newly created, permanent positions.

Read more about HR services here

The crew cabal

We at Veksthuset Personal are fortunate to meet these companies and are involved with several of them in their daily staffing planning. Together, we lay the staffing cable so that it is best adapted to both the company and employees, with all the extra considerations that must be taken into account now in this time.

Read more about staffing


Many companies do well to use the time well to prepare for the staffing situation when the upswing comes. 

Les more about our recruitment

Our everyday work consists of mapping the job content and job category together with the customer and then finding the employee who matches the customer's wishes and needs in terms of qualifications, experience and suitability.

We as a staffing company have for several years been involved in hiring employees for both temporary, temporary towards permanent jobs and permanent positions. We will continue this work in the future as well; there are and will continue to be jobs and candidates for the jobs also in the future.

Not all jobs are advertised!

Do you have the skills but can not find the job you want? Not all positions we staff are advertised in the market. Create a profile today so we can get more information about you and connect you with potential employers. 

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