
New rules for hiring labor

On 18 January 2022, the government came up with an expected proposal for tightening up regarding the use of temporary employment, as well as rules for hiring labor (staffing).

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In short, the proposal from the Labor Party contains the following:

  • Prohibition on hiring from staffing companies on construction sites in Oslo, Viken and formerly Vestfold
  • Cancel the right to hire for work of a temporary nature
  • Give hired persons more rights, such as extending the right to be permanently employed after a certain period of time as hired to apply to more cases, and shortening the time before the right occurs.
  • Introduce an approval scheme to get rid of staffing companies that operate junk
  • Clarify the boundary between hiring and contracting.


- For many companies, it is an important part of the competitiveness to be able to acquire labor at short notice. Here, the staffing agencies play an important role as a strategic partner. We strongly believe that this will also apply after tightening of the regulations.

a man in a suit standing in front of a wall.
Sigmund Høye, general manager Veksthuset Personal AS PHOTO: CoreCom

The consultation statement is a suggestion, and nothing has been decided yet. The deadline for submitting contradictions and input is 19 April 2022.

NHO is working purposefully to advance counter-arguments against the new rules, and an increasing number of companies and industry organizations are now coming to the fore.

Dramatic effect

If the proposal that is put forward is adopted, dramatic effects are expected on construction activity in the Oslo area, as well as a potential weakened competitiveness, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in the districts.

It is expected that companies without an agreement with trade unions with the right to suspend will not have the opportunity to hire temporarily, if new rules come into force.


mann og dame sjekker noen stålrør

What does it mean in practice?

For many companies, this means that they do not have the flexibility to quickly staff for production peaks.

In other words, some businesses will have to choose between two evils, either:

  • employ more permanently based on the assumed highest production with the risk of having to lay off more in the event of a decline in production, or;
  • provide fewer offers to customers to avoid a situation where you get more jobs than you have staffed for (the opportunity to hire temporarily in the event of a production stoppage will no longer be available)

It is an important labor policy battle that will take place until 19 April.

Does your company see major challenges with proposed rule changes? Feel free to contact us for a chat, and feel free to also contact your own industry organization to promote the view of your business. 


+47 91 84 29 26

I am concerned that people should thrive at work, and be seen and heard. I am analytical as a person and make thorough assessments before I make decisions. My focus is on efficiency and development combined with tidiness and structure. Very fond of, and concerned with, making people successful - together.

I am happy to solve these challenges:  

Passionate about work in strategy, personnel and management. Likes to be a sparring partner in HR and recruitment, as well as strategy and business development.


I have worked as a consultant in Veksthuset Personal since 2007 and became general manager in 2021.

I have a degree in economics and management, and have a few years of experience as a controller before I started at Veksthuset Personal. I have a background as a handball player at an elite level, as well as several years on the board of Elverum Handball Men; both as a marketing manager and sports manager.

My experience is mainly linked to personnel and management, as well as a solid business understanding in many different industries. Also has expertise and great interest in strategy and marketing. In recent years as a consultant, I worked i.a. with companies such as Veidekke, Gjermundshaug, Curida, Pelias, Martin M Bakken.

I thrive best when:  

We develop together. Triggered by working with improvement and strategic opportunities, combined with everyone being involved and moving in the same direction.


Christian Amundsen

Christian Amundsen

Business developer

+47 91 30 16 08

I am the founder of Veksthuset staff, which I started in 2000. As a person, I am committed, positive and optimistic. Look at challenges as opportunities. Everyone involved with me knows that I often have a good mood and thrive on a casual tone.

I am happy to solve these challenges:

Development, new establishments within business areas, finance and accounting. I have 30 years of experience in personnel and management.


I have broad expertise in sales and management, after 30 years of experience I have a large network within several different industries. After being employed as sales manager at Telenor Media and a couple of other companies, I started Veksthuset. Has over the years co-founded several companies and has employed over 500 people. Sits and has served on several board positions. My expertise is in sales and networking. I also bring people in the right direction so that things happen. Some of the customers I work with and have worked with are, Optimera, Elkjøp, Søderberg & Partners, Intellitech, Semine, Telio and Norian Regnskap AS are some of the customers I have worked with within staffing and recruitment.

I thrive best when:

When there is a lot to do! Loves challenging and complex tasks. At the same time, I like to see my colleagues deliver and thrive.

Gry Matsen

Senior advisor Elverum

+47 95 05 57 84

I have worked in the staffing industry since 2007, and have been employed by Veksthuset Personal since 2015. As a person, I am solution-oriented, committed and in a good mood. I thrive in a hectic workday and take all challenges head on.

I am happy to solve these challenges:

I work with staffing, recruitment in all industries. As well as our new focus area, which is employee surveys / interviews, and HR support.


I have worked with staff and staff since 2008, and before that I have experience in sales and service. I work with all types of industries. Some of the customers are;

Veidekke Industri, Ringsaker Industriservice, Oops! Design, Marthinsen & Duvholt, Bakehuset Heba, Grilstad, Ragn-Sells, Gjermundshaug Facilities

I thrive best when:

I thrive when there is a high pace, with many different tasks to be solved.

The fact that we have a mix of staffing that must be solved quickly and recruitment assignments that are a longer process. Good colleagues who have a high level of commitment to the work we do, good and long customer relationships, as well as happy and satisfied employees, are what make me passionate about my job.

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