a man in a suit standing in front of a screen.

Thank you to all customers and Merry Christmas

We would like to thank all our customers for their cooperation in the past year and look forward to further cooperation in the coming year.

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The year 2022 started with a first quarter that was characterized by the pandemic, but after the first quarter activity increased and we have had steady growth.
In total for the year, we end up with a turnover in the region of NOK 110 million. We have positive results and healthy operations. We have had over 500 employees in work throughout the year, and recruited around 100 employees for customers.
After two years of uncertainty and continuous adaptations related to covid19, 2022 has also been a year in which external factors have affected businesses and employees to a greater or lesser extent. The war in Ukraine, energy crisis with persistently high electricity prices, increased inflation and increased interest rates, is something that will also become part of everyday life into 2023.

Offshore largest

Our biggest growth during the year has been within on-/offshore staffing. We have approximately 160 employees, who work in the industry that contributes to energy production for Europe, which is very critical in the energy crisis Europe is in. We have chosen to give a Christmas gift in support of Ukraine via President Zelenskyj's initiative United24.

New rental rules

Furthermore, the year has brought new guidelines from the authorities with, among other things, introduction of the Transparency Act, removal of the general access to temporary employment, as well as a decision to limit the possibilities for hiring from 1 July 2023. Our staffing business, where we hire out our own permanent employees to customers, will be very little affected by the latter change of law. Most of our large customers have a collective agreement with a large trade union, and have the opportunity to hire labor by agreement with the union representative, even after the introduction of new rules. We will be able to assist the few customers who will be affected by the new rules in the form of recruitment.


During 2022, we have further developed our recruitment service, and experienced that we solve assignments in a varied spectrum of industries and professional areas. Several of our advisers have had their expertise further raised, so that we are even better equipped to solve recruitment tasks for our customers in the coming year.

Our plans for 2023 are to continue to develop ourselves further, and to be more visible both on digital surfaces, but also through networks with physical meetings. We plan to expand with more employees beyond the 17 skilled employees we have, and we look forward to continuing to be an attractive workplace and partner.

We take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Best regards
Sigmund Høye

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