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Have you tried to recruit without success?

Half of NHO's member companies have tried to recruit without getting hold of the right skills. See how Veksthuset Personal recruits.

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According to NHO's recent Skills Barometer, Norwegian companies are still struggling to find the right skills, and there is a shortage of 38,000 employees with suitable skills, which is the highest recorded number. 46% of the NHO companies have tried to recruit without success in the last year. This leads to the loss of customers, shelved projects and less value creation.

Lack of competence
There is a great shortage of vocational subjects, and 6 out of 10 NHO companies need people with a vocational or journeyman's certificate, while over half need people with a vocational school education. Many more people need to be informed about the possibilities of vocational subjects, as no doors close by choosing a vocational subject. NHO companies have the greatest need for people with vocational education in technology and industry, electrical and computer technology, and building and construction engineering.

Read the survey from NHO

We see that it is possible to get the employees you need. The companies that recognize that it requires more resources than before are also the ones that succeed in getting the necessary workforce.

- The survey confirms our impression that many companies do not get the necessary skills. The consequence is that more effort is required to get hold of potential candidates.

The advertisement must be made more specific and present the company and the position to a greater extent than how it was advertised a few years ago. At the same time, active work must be done to get in touch with candidates.

a man sitting in a chair with a smile on his face.
Sigmund Høye, general manager Veksthuset Personal AS PHOTO: CoreCom

Does your company need recruitment?
We see that it is possible to get the employees you need. The companies that recognize that it requires more resources than before are also the ones that succeed in getting the necessary workforce.

Important groundwork
A fundamental part of a successful recruitment process is preparation. We thoroughly familiarize ourselves with the client's needs and expectations. We gather information about the company, the role, corporate culture and strategic challenges in the industry.

Professional advertising
Based on the requirements specification, we design a job advertisement with the goal of meeting relevant candidates. We give you advice on which advertising package is best suited to your needs. The common denominator is that advertising is targeted at specific target groups based on requirements specification.

Active search
Active search is what we do to obtain relevant candidates. We often see that the threshold for talking about a position for which you have seen the advertisement is lower than if you have not seen it. Therefore, there is a greater probability of getting candidates to speak by combining advertising with active search.

Another advantage we see is that, as a recruitment agency, we have a more open approach in contact with candidates. We are interested in what it takes for a person to be willing to change jobs.

This approach is different from having to "sell in" a position in isolation. We are in contact with many candidates and by using active search we work purposefully with candidate contact to source candidates.
We also offer active search as a separate service.

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