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New rules for letting

The government has adopted tightening regulations for the hiring of labour. New rules come into force from 1 April 2023 with a transitional arrangement until 1 July 2023.

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When can subletting be used?
Hiring can still be used on a temporary basis, or by agreement with a shop steward for companies with a collective agreement with a large trade union (trade union with the right to propose).

Apart from the above-mentioned cases, hiring can still be used when hiring health personnel, as well as hiring employees with special skills who will perform advisory and consulting services in limited projects.

Hiring from staffing companies for construction work on construction sites in Oslo, Viken and formerly Vestfold will be prohibited from 1 April 2023.

Read NHO's guide to the new letting rules here.


For further information, contact the general manager of Veksthuset Personal AS - Sigmund Høye at
phone 918 42 926, or

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