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Does your company need a "second opinion" in the recruitment process?

Second opinion is a service that we at Veksthuset Personal offer our customers, where the service involves our advisers carrying out a quality assurance of relevant candidates.

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What is Second Opinion? 

Second opinion is a service that we at Veksthuset Personal offer our customers, where the service involves our advisers carrying out a quality assurance of relevant candidates. The process begins with us gaining insight into what the customer is looking for for the given position. With this as a backdrop, we conduct an interview with the candidate in question, call references and carry out relevant ability and personality tests on the candidate. After this has been carried out, one of our advisers reports to the client and to what extent the candidate fits the position, this is called "Second opinion". 

An objective partner 

A second opinion can be a good idea for those who carry out recruitment processes on their own, but want additional quality assurance on selected candidates before final selection. Quality assurance can provide increased security in the selection of candidates, and there can also be elements of quality assurance that the customer does not normally carry out, but which we as a recruitment agency have expertise in. Not all companies have certified employees in various test tools, for example.  

Everyone who applies must feel that they are assessed in the same way as other applicants. It may thus be perceived as better for applicants to be able to speak to a third party, who may create less uncertainty about the reason for receiving a rejection or an offer.  

In a recruitment process, there will sometimes also be internal applicants for a position. There may also be applicants that one or more people in the company know. An internal applicant who has done well in his current position and who applies further, is not always the right candidate for another position in the company, even if he has good results to show for it. It may also be desirable for applicants, who are known to employees of a company, to be assessed objectively by an outsider. 

Using a partner for a second opinion can also contribute to less resource use internally for an appointment, because you pay for this specialist expertise to be carried out by external staff. Another advantage is that the recruitment officer in the company has several people to be able to discuss with blacksmiths, which in turn contributes positively to the company.   

If you recognize the problem and need an objective third party, take it contact for a non-binding chat! 

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